You kind of have to expect that she'll show up at some point, since her face is on the game's cover and an intro cinematic reminds you of what she did in the first game, but even knowing that she was going to get involved in the story, I was still shocked and surprised at the way the twist presented itself. I'm trying to avoid spoilers, because even though this game is 16 years old, I think it's still worth playing if you haven't already, and this moment, when SHODAN's presence is revealed, is one of the singular most-memorable moments in all of gaming.

What people remember most about the story is the dramatic twist that comes past the halfway point, when it's revealed that SHODAN - the artificial intelligence responsible for the destruction of Citadel Station in the first game, the villain of System Shock 1 who was trying to enslave and destroy all of humanity - has gotten into the Von Braun's AI system.